
Hola. How’s it going?

Welcome to Luminary View! My name is Julian Lacayo, and if you’re curious to know a bit about the site, but a lot about me, check out the About page. Otherwise, I assume you’re here for some movie recommendations or something. Proceed please.

The Audience Loves Me! Right Guys?

The Audience Loves Me! Right Guys?

Deadpool 2


The second film in this Marvel franchise, Deadpool 2 offers more laughs, more violence, and of course, more Deadpool. Having not seen the first one, I worried I might be in for a rough storyline; but I was wonderfully proved wrong. DP2, even as a sequel, stands as its own film. 

We start off with Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds, aka Deadpool), carrying out his “regular” mercenaric routine; killing, and killing away. Life is good, and just seems to get better with every moment. But after a terrible tragedy, fellow mutant Colossus encourages Wade to join the X-men; to become part of a family he “may not want, but one he does need”. After a plan goes awry,  Wade ends up murdering someone to protect a young and temperamental fire weilding mutant named Russell (Julian Dennison). Breaking the X-men code of conduct, Wade leaves the team and ends up in jail.

Amidst all the already ongoing trouble, a genetically modified mutant from the future, Cable (Josh Brolin), is also hot on their tail, with a mission to kill Russel. A series of events leading to their break out of prison, Wade is now faced with having to stop a confused and dangerous Russell. In light of all the new danger they’re faced with, Deadpool decides to round up a rather goofy mutant team of his own he calls the “X-Force”. He sets out with this new ensemble of “superheroes” in hopes of recovering Russell, and keeping out of harms way (try as they may!).

The entire film guided by the narration of Deadpool himself was a fantastic decision on the creative side. He speaks directly to the audience, and frequently goes into a third person like state; speaking about things such as his actor’s real life identity Ryan Reynolds, or the possibilities of their film succeeding at the box office. Unique topics, and out of the blue statements, I think, give a really unique property to this film.

The action and VFX in this movie are very engaging as well. Masterful choreography and camera shots stimulate the audience, and pumps that adrenaline. Dually serving as a comedy of sorts, Reynolds’ character delivers his humor with the trademark enthusiasm and carcasm many people have come to love within the world of superheroes. While his comedic personality often goes into innapropiate areas, he delivers so that we (delightfully, and unfortunately) yearn to go along with him and hear his every word.

Hello? I’ve Been Kidnapped!!

Hello? I’ve Been Kidnapped!!

Catching the Bad Guys, POW! POW! POW!

Catching the Bad Guys, POW! POW! POW!