
Hola. How’s it going?

Welcome to Luminary View! My name is Julian Lacayo, and if you’re curious to know a bit about the site, but a lot about me, check out the About page. Otherwise, I assume you’re here for some movie recommendations or something. Proceed please.

Hello? I’ve Been Kidnapped!!

Hello? I’ve Been Kidnapped!!



Gringo is a story centered around a financial analyst named Harold Soyinka (David Oyelowo) who has started to work for a company that produces and distributes medical marijuana pills. He takes his orders from two corporate jerks (played by Charlize Theron and Joel Edgerton) who set out to be the first and biggest name in their business. Harold accompanies his bosses to Mexico where negotiations are said to take place. But upon the evening of their arrival, Harold discovers that the two heads are in business with a dangerous drug cartel, and that they suggested a plan to ultimately “relieve” him of his services. 

With this new information, Harold runs away and is left in Mexico. He comes up with a plan to fake his ransom for 5 million dollars. But when his scheme ultimately fails, he ends up having to flee from the same cartel, who assume he is the leader.

Meanwhile in America, the CEO of the company recruits an ex militant to rescue Harold. One thing after another, Harold becomes the center of a constant push and pull scenario between two sides; one, being the cartel, who will certainly murder him, and the other, being a former criminal, faced with the options to save or kill him depending on how big he wants his paycheck. 

This film was very interesting, and fresh. A comedic personality also ties in to it which I really enjoyed. I always like when movies, such as this, slowly integrate the lives of several different people (each bringing a unique scenario to the table) to create a versatile and delightful story.

David Oyelowo’s performance as Harold was great; reserved, smart, likable, and unintentionally hilarious. Sharlto Copley’s character of Mitch Rusk, the “redeemed” criminal, was really cool as well; with the weathered mercenary look, the beard, and the military training. He had a great chemistry with Oyelowo; one that was a highlight of the film for me. 

The portrayal of the Mexican drug cartel was humorous and haunting at the same time; a bit of realism thrown into the mind of what lengths people are willing to go to get what they want; to become rich in this case. 

Through all the ups and downs thrown at “Harry”, it was really nice to watch him get the life he deserved from the start; all in unexpected ways mind you...

Hi, I’m Calling to Report a Missing Person..

Hi, I’m Calling to Report a Missing Person..

The Audience Loves Me! Right Guys?

The Audience Loves Me! Right Guys?